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Welcome to The Mystery Behind Magic!


We are the minds behind the podcast for ever learning magicians wanting experience from some of the best minds in magic! 


We are teenage magicians wanting to learn and share with you magicians creative processes, mindsets, and past experiences that can help you learn more about this beautiful art form! 


Every week we release new episodes around an hour-long about a different and interesting topic in magic!


Our podcast is different from others out there because of our age, we perceive magic differently thus can ask different questions than usually asked!

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“You know what is amazing? You guys have asked incredible questions, from all the podcasts I have done over the last few months, these truly have been the best questions” The Co-Founder of Vanishing INC; Andi Gladwin

Latest Episodes:

Reading magic books is something that’s often advocated by many magicians.


Last year Jeff Kowalk decided to start a YouTube channel called Erudite Magic, specifically about reading magic books.


In this episode we spoke with Jeff about his YouTube channel and also a lot about reading magic books!

The episode was full of ideas on reading magic books and we hope you enjoy it. We also recommend you check out Jeff’s YouTube channel, Erudite Magic!

Science and Magic. You wouldn’t often expect to hear those two words together.


However in this weeks episode we spoke with Matt Pritchard about combining his love of science with his love of magic. He explains how he can use magic to teach science and use science in magic.


Alongside this, we also talked to him about being a “curator of wonder” and his TEDx Talk, “The quantum state of wonder”.


We also discussed the sequence of thoughts by our audiences when they see a trick this was a topic he covered in his TEDx Talk and we thought it was really interesting and thought we could ask questions about it and talk about it more!

Studying magic at university for many magicians must seem like a dream come true.

In this week’s episode we spoke with the lovely Will Houstoun – who actually does have a PhD in magic history! There was a ton of things covered in this episode that were slightly more academic than usual.

Will spoke to us about his work with Imperial College London and using magic in an educational context as well as chatting to us about video chat magic and his involvement in the effective altruism movement and how that way of thinking could be applied to making the magic world a better place.

We also discussed a side hobby of Will’s calligraphy, and why its important to have other hobby’s than magic!

In this episode we had a crossover with the awesome guys from The Successful Mentalist. If you haven’t heard of TSM they are trying to improve the quality of life of all performers through the delivery of information and transformative techniques that will improve their mindset, business, performance and health.

We had a 4 way discussion about a plethora of things including things like goal setting, identifying performance niches, staying true to your vision, and being authentic, we also discussed some of the biggest take-aways we have had from the podcast!

In this week’s episode, we had the pleasure of having Tyler Lunsford on!

We discussed his YouTube, why he created it? Where is it heading?

His podcast, what is it? What does he want to do with it?

We also discussed his process of making magic, and how that has changed over the past years, and what you could do to start creating your own magic!

Tyler also announced an awesome new project he has been working on, what it is, and what he wants to achieve it is!

Ashley Green is a physic mentalist, he co-runs “The Successful Mentalist” with Aidan O’Sullivan.


He came onto our podcast, and we talked about his journey, so far, into magic. We discussed how he got into magic, and a few things he has done since then relating to mentalism.


We talked about magic vs mentalism, the differences, and the different types of mentalism.


We also discussed his podcast “The Successful Mentalist”.


We talked about his style of mentalism, some of the choices he has made!

Very early on Josh started creating magic tricks for himself, as he wasn’t fully aware of magic shops and thoughts that all magicians made their own tricks instead of buying from magic shops. This let him work, a lot, on his creative muscle, this meant that later on his magic career when he had more knowledge of magic he could create more original tricks and tricks other people have not yet thought of.


We also discussed Josh performing for the special needs population, how that came to be and why it is important to have things catered towards people with special needs. He tells an incredible story when he was performing to a blind person.

Rubik’s cube magic, a niche that a lot of people are into, however what separates Adam from a lot of people is that he was interested in Rubik cubes before hand and then incorporated it to his magic.


Adam is amazing at solving the Rubik cube’s, he solve it under 15 seconds, honestly incredible.


We also talked about him winning the magician of the year, how he prepared for it and what he took away from it.

Finding the area of magic best suited for you is incredibly important.


For some people, they may enjoy and think they are best suited for all styles of magic, but for some it may be sleight of hand, card manipulation, mentalism, or kids magic.


For Dan Slater it was kids magic, he realized that he wasn’t well fitted to do weddings and table hopping, he then got booked to do a kid’s magic show and really enjoyed and went on to pursue it.


One of the many things Dan loves about performing magic for children is their honest reaction, he could see immediately if they liked the trick or not.


We finished off the podcast with Dan sharing some horror stories with us, we found them hilarious!

Henri White, along with being an incredible magician, also plays the piano, in this episode, we discuss if Henri thinks that if playing the piano has helped his sleight of hand.


When learning any instrument an immense amount of practice has been put in, so we discuss practising magic, and the question was raised, if someone doesn’t enjoy practising magic, so Henri discusses that we might be practising wrong, and explains how we can overcome that.


With practising Henri brings up a quote about practising, originally said by Fray Presto “there’s no right or wrong there’s only what works” Henri goes on to develop this and explains why this might be harder to digest for some magicians as some magicians want yes or no questions, but practising isn’t like that, what might work for one person may not for the next.


We also discussed how Henri started coming up with his own magic, and why he started to create his own magic.


We also talk about the company he is the company director for, we discuss how it originally got made, what it is, what their aim is, and where he sees it in the future.


We also discuss some of his favourite moments from Studio 52.

If you could do real magic how would it look like?
Aidan’s philosophy is that, if he could do real magic, what would it look like?
It’s really interesting, and I believe that Aidan has a very good point here, and we discuss it in this episode!
And in the episode, we discuss all of our ideas of what our vision of good magic is – and it’s important to think about, as it can help us massively develop in magic, so hopefully, our conversation sparks some interest!

We also discuss Stop Existing, which is Aidan’s personal and business coaching program!
We also discussed his podcast The Successful Mentalist and what their mission is and why they started it!

Putting a show together has definitely changed over the last year beforehand performers would need to go to theatres, book a time, discuss prices, discuss how the theatre was going to get paid, etc.

But for the past year or so it’s changed massively; now we just cleaned, maybe painted, our spare rooms, or an existing room – set up our equipment, made a cool poster, and we had a show! 

However, now as theatres are starting to re-open, we should start thinking about how we are going to create a show, in person, in a theatre. 

We had the amazing David Fung on this episode to talk about how he has put on a show in the past, and how that’s changed for the new show he is putting together for later this year. 

We also discuss the business aspect of things as well, and how it all works when putting on a show. 

David Fung’s Website

Older Episodes:

The President of the Associated Wizards of the South, the A.W.S is the fourth oldest magic society in the world and the sixth oldest in the world, Harry Houdini was once an honorary member of the society.
We discuss how he became the youngest member of the club ever to join the youngest president to be elected. We discuss some of the changes he has made and some of the changes he is going to make in the future!
We also talked about levitating orb/contact juggling. If you haven’t seen it before, we would highly recommend that you check it out, it is so amazing, satisfying, and fascinating!

We talked about how you can get into contact juggling, and what else you can do it with. Along with his excellent at the table lecture with vanishing inc.
We discuss how his business degree has helped him in magic and what he can apply from his degree to magic.

Nowadays we don’t really see much pickpocketing, obviously, we can’t do it over zoom, but in “real” life I don’t think as many of us do it anymore.
But, Ricky still does it and we talk about many areas regarding pickpocketing. As well as that Ricky does hypnosis, something that, I believe, most young magicians think is out of reach – we discuss how Ricky has got into hypnosis, and how you could too!
We also talk about wedding magic, and a time where it has gone wrong, but then how Ricky still managed to leave a positive image of himself.
We also talk about how he has adapted to online performances, and we finish with our quickfire round!

Steve uses magic when doing public speaking – this made me think, of how much do we use magic, outside of its usual settings?
Steve as well as being a magician is also a speaker, trainer and coach, and we discuss how having the knowledge in that area has helped him in magic and whether he uses magic when speaking, training or coaching or he talks about those when doing magic.
In this episode, we spoke about Steve winning the close-up of the year award in 2010, why he entered, and what he has learnt from that competition.
His youtube channel: Real Magic Review, why he started it, and what are his plans for the channel.
His Card Magic Course, who it’s aimed for, why he started it, is it all just card magic.

Neuroscience and magic, usually those two words don’t go together – but Daniel incorporates them two together and talks about it!

In this episode, we talked about some of the ideas and premises of neuroscience together with magic! 

We also talked about his youtube channel, his studio, and his equipment!

Big Trick Energy – four friends, all magicians and they like to mess with one another!

This is a brand new TV show made by Truu Tv, and Wes talks a little behind the scenes of what happened when the cameras weren’t rolling.

We also talked about youtube and his youtube career – what he has done to get to where he is, how his content has changed!

We also talked about his course Learn With Wes why he started it and where it’s going.

Behind the scenes to his Penn and Teller Fool Us act, how he came up with it, why he shared his method if he would go back to Fool Us, and more!

And finally, his amazing new TV show with Chris Ramsey, Alex Boyer, and Eric Leclerc!

After popular demand, we recorded an episode with only Robbie and I in it.


We really enjoyed making this episode and we talked about a lot of things including, what’s going on in the magic community, what magic are we doing, and some product reviews!

The age-old question (well not really more like a year old question), what is better, online or live shows?

Most people say live shows, they say there are so many more positives, however, is that really the case?

Mark James has been touring and has been performing in various venues all around the U.K and the world for years, and with him, we discuss the positives and the negatives of both, online and live shows.

But not only do we discuss that, but also why he eats fire and juggles, and then we talked about his new and up and coming business, Curious Monkey Incorporations, and what you can expect from that!

I think that we can all agree that being creative is such a useful thing to be able to do, especially in magic.

Imagine if we didn’t put our own ‘spin’ on effects and routine, imagine how boring magic would be, Boris talks more in-depth on why this is so important.

Boris also discusses different ways magicians look at Penn and Teller Fool Us!

We loved the way Boris used a deep fake voice to portray Penn’s voice, as it is so original, entertaining and exciting to watch! 

Fun, fast-paced, silly and exciting. 

Those four words don’t usually relate to mentalism, but Chris Cox changes that. He adds his very fun, almost comic-like character to his shows, which makes him memorable! 

It is important to find our characters in magic, so we don’t copy another magician, but also so we can have the most fun performing as we are performing then as someone we want, and Chris has found that.

Some mentalist ‘watches’ body language to ‘read’ a spectator, but Chris uses slightly un-orthodox methods…

A non-performing magician, what?

Most of us magicians perform in front of other people and keep performing magic as that’s what they like about it, to see peoples reactions, however, for Rory, it’s a little different. He doesn’t really perform magic, but rather writes and produces for it.

And in today’s episode, that’s what we discuss, as well as his book and club, only ideas, projects he has let go of and future projects that he’s working on!

Performing on cruise ships has, like with everything positives and negative. For the cruise ships Nick Einhorn has been on he was like a guest on the ship, had to perform two performances but for the rest of the trip he had the same privileges as the guests, seems awesome, doesn’t it?

In this episode, with other things, we discuss all cruise shipping, why Nick has done it some of the positives and negatives things to look out for and more!

Today we had the incredible Matthew Le Motteé on to talk about his journey in magic, how to improve your routine and so much more! 

A little about Matthew, he has won the close-up magician of the year three times, in a row! 

He was the first-ever magician to win 3 in a row, he shared with us a bit of the journey that he went on, but also how he won, or what helped him to win. Not only did he win, but he is also one of the examiners judging the competition! 

Social media, use to talk to our friends or to sell a product? A lot of the time it is the second one, it isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but social media is being used more and more for advertising. See, as magicians, we are the product. 

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 Most of us are happy and comfortable with the characters we perform when we are performing magic, so we don’t really ‘practise or change it. We have probably had the same character nearly since we have started performing magic, and we rarely change it, rarely think about. 

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Children’s magic, known for having the toughest of all crowds, they have no sensor – no block, they just react and if your show goes well, you will know, if it doesn’t, you will most certainly know. In this episode we had the amazing Nikola Arkane to talk about it!

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Richard Jones, the winner of BGT, came on our podcast today to talk about his experiences performing to his military colleagues, and then eventually going on to BGT. He shares his amazing stories with us, but also really helpful pieces of advice on how to get on BGT!

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Mentalism isn’t the first word that you think of immediately when you think of a comedy magician, yet here we are. Ben has changed our opinion. He has created his routine and effect, The Oracle System, a highly customisable routine using tarot cards and mentalism. 

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As magicians, we are so fascinated by new, visual tricks on the markets, especially the ones that have an amazing trailer, with a “Imagine if you” But Chris points out that it’s important we try to create our own tricks or at least make them ours.

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Classic magic, we all know it, we all appreciate it, but how many of us perform it? The answer is probably very little. However, Edward Hilsum does, more specifically, dove magic. And if you have ever seen it you know its incredible, and on this episode, he talks about his experience performing classical magic. 

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The president of the Magic circle, magician and comedian – Noel Britten came on to talk about patter, and why it is so important.

But before that, I had a chat with him what it is like being the president of the Magic Circle!

 Patter is crucial for a magic act

(well, if you’re not doing it silently)

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A new situation arises, do you sit back and watch it happen, or do you do something about it? Joe decided to do something about it and started performing virtually and shared with us how to adapt live shows into zoom shows, how to create a powerful finale, and how to boost how the public perceives you! 

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In this episode, we had Richard Young on! 

In this episode, we talked about how he became a magician, advice on getting gigs, how to become a double act and his experiences performing on Penn and Teller Fool Us!

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In this episode, we had the runner-up of BGT, Jamie Raven!
We talked about how Jamie became a magician, some of his experiences from BGT, his touring experiences and how you can tour as well!

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In this episode, we had the co-founder of Vanishing Inc. Andi Gladwin on! 

We talked about how he became a full-time magician, Piracy and copywriting Vanishing Inc. products, his new book “The Boy Who Cried Magic” and more!

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In this episode, we had the amazing consultant of magic, Luke Oseland! 

We talked about how he started to make effects, how he became a consultant and how you can too! 

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The creator of the tiny plunger, Jon Amstrong came on the show today to talk about magic mentorships, how to create your own tricks, how to create and improve your magic zoom or online magic shows and much more!

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The Dystopian Deck. Cavan Booth’s debut cards! 

On this episode, we talk about some of the other ideas Cavan had, how he chose the name! 

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Card magic, easily recognisable, fun to perform, and “Has the most amount of magic in” Penn Jillette.

Lourenço talks about why he doesn’t often use gimmicks and why.

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Cavan Booth, a young ambitious magician and YouTuber with over 4.67K subscribers! We mostly talked about why magic is so important, why he created a youtube channel and how it helped him in magic!

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Before this episode, he plan was to move on to a new subject every couple of months, but I LOVE magic and me and Robbie made the decision to stick with magic! In this episode, e talk about why we stuck with magic!

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Why is practising magic so important? Why do we practise magic? 

A lot of intermediate magicians sometimes find it hard to practise, most of us don’t have a magic mentor to help us with it so we can find it hard to keep motivated 

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In this episode, we will be talking to Ian Brennan from the Magicians advice podcast, about becoming a magician what he too recommends begginers and what you should do to improve in your magic! 

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Welcome to the Mystery Behind Magic, in this podcast, we will talk to magicians about their experiences, so that you can become a better magician!

In today’s episode, we will talk about our own magic stories so you know a bit about us what we do and our preferences in magic!

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